Tag: Year: Unknown

  • LE2 Imperial Space Marine – the first Games Workshop Space Marine in 1984

    LE2 was apparently the first Space Marine sculpted in 1984, according to the 1997 catalogue! Other sources give his sculpting date as 1985, however, so I have marked it as Year: Unknown until I find a tab that shows it definitively.

    He turns up in the 1991 Blue catalogue as Bolter 5, part number 070121/42 which is right amongst the C100 marines as far as part numbers go. He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt.

    White Dwarf 93 has an entire squad of just him:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue
    • Base: Scale75 Red Ochre, drybrushed with a mix of Red Ochre and Honey Moon Yellow, further drybrush with a little bit of The White mixed in
    • Gun: Carbon Black and Kimera’s Orange
  • Vintage Games Workshop metal Space Marine in Artificer Armour 3 070270 1

    This guy is part number 070270/1 and can be seen on the Armour Variants page in the 1991 Blue catalogue. He’s shown in White Dwarf 123 (March 1990) as “Urban Camouflage Imperial Fist Marine in Armour Variant”:

    The details on the base have been filed off, unfortunately.

    Colours used:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, highlighted/shaded mixed with Pro Acryl Titanium White and Scale75 Art Black
    • Red: Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red, highlighted with a mix of Bold Pyrrole Red and Pro Acryl Golden Yellow, washed with Targor Rageshade
    • Base: Reddish Brown around the rim, then Natural Soil, then Sand, then a highlight of Gypsum on the rock
    • Gold: Necro Gold, washed with Targor Rageshade, then Dwarven Gold, then Citrine Alchemy
    • Silver: Black Metal, washed with Targor Rageshade, then Heavy Metal, then Speed Metal
    • Green: Scale75 Inktense White and Lime
    • White: Pro Acryl Titanium, shaded by mixing with Cobalt Blue
    • Decals washed with Cobalt Blue to dull the white somewhat then highlighted with Titanium White
  • Metal Corvus Armour 2 Rogue Trader Space Marine 070270 3

    Metal Corvus Armour 2 Rogue Trader Space Marine 070270 3

    This guy is from the Armour Variants set which was designed by Jes Goodwin and the Citadel Design Team. He shows up in the 1991 catalogue as part number 070270/3. The earliest I can find him in a White Dwarf is March 1990:

    The blurb for the Armour Variants goes:

    “In the last 5000 years the design of Space Marine armour has evolved through many stages, from Mark 1 to the Mark 8. Many chapters still use all the different types, with the early models regarded as the Chapters Heirlooms. These early armours, once worn by the Chapter’s greatest heroes, have been embellished by the Chaplains Artificers, who create the Chapters equipment and honour badges.”

    Nothing on the front or back of the tab on this one, unfortunately.

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, combined with Pro Acryl Titanium White for lighter areas and Scale75 Art Black for darker.

    Red: Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red, shaded with Targor Rageshade, highlighted with Bold Pyrrole Red/Golden Yellow

    Green: Scale75 Art Spring Green, shaded with Art Black, highlighted with Golden Yellow

    Silver: Black Metal, Targor Rageshade, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal

    Base: Scale75 Soilworks Reddish Brown around edges, then Dark Mud over that to try something different, then Natural Soil, then Sand in the center, highlight on the rock was Gypsum. The legs were dusted with Natural Soil.

    Rim: Vallejo Model Colour Black Grey

  • Games Workshop Rogue Trader Space Marine Medic 06

    This guy is Marine Medic 06 in the catalogues. Pics as he arrived:

    Love the bell bottoms. Looks a bit like 1986 but I suspect it’s a badly stamped 1988.

  • Rogue Trader Brother Angst RT01 Space Marine

    A Bob Naismith sculpt! Part number 070121/46 in the later catalogues.

    Still a little bit of paint to strip on him, and the square base is just whatever I had laying around with which to stand him on.

    Keen to put some paint on him!