Tag: Year: Unknown

  • Metal Space Marine Rogue Trader Captain Dozier

    No tab on this guy, unfortunately! He goes by Bionic Eye and Chainsword, part number 070119/35, in the 1991 catalogue. Thanks for sending him to me, Sebastian!

    He seems to be named after William Dozier who played the Narrator of (and who was the executive producer of!) the 1960s Batman TV show.

    You can see him in WD99:

  • Rogue Trader Space Marine Lieutenant – Metal Warhammer 40K

    This guy was one of the Rogue Trader Officers and was later shown with part number 070145/12. He’s a Mark Copplestone sculpt.

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue
    • Base: Scale75 Red Ochre, drybrushed with a mix of Red Ochre and Honey Moon Yellow, further drybrush with a little bit of The White mixed in
  • Metal Rogue Trader Officers – Captain with Bolter and Power Sword

    Metal Rogue Trader Officers – Captain with Bolter and Power Sword

    This guy was part number 070145/10 and was part of the three Officers set 070145/3 in Rogue Trader days. He’s a Mark Copplestone sculpt and appears in the 1989 catalogues.

    Unfortunately he became detached from his tab at some point. No date on the back of the tab. I had a go at a darker skin tone this time, working with Kimera’s Oxide Brown Dark which is PBr11 – an earth orange pigment – mixing in some Ultramarine which complements it very well – to get variation in tone and pull it down to a darker tone without needing to mix in Carbon Black for the most part – just a little around the eye socket and under the chin. For the skin highlights I initially tried mixing in The White but it turned out a lot more grey and desaturated than I wanted, so I mixed in a little bit of The Red in to bring some colour back in, which improved things. I also mixed in some The Red with the base skin colour for around the eyes, nose and mouth.

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt
    • Skin: Kimera Oxide Brown Dark, shaded with Ultramarine Blue, highlighted with The White semi-unsuccessfully. Further shading with Carbon Black. I mixed in The Red around the lips/nose/eyes.
    • Eyes: Mars Orange, Carbon Black for the pupil. The White mixed with Carbon Black for the eye and the attempt at an amber eye colour was Mars Orange.
    • Base: Kimera Red Oxide, drybrushed with Yellow Oxide then white, then Natural Soil from Soilworks for the pigment.
    • Green: Scale75 Art Spring Green, highlighted with Cold Yellow from Kimera, further highlight of The White. Carbon Black as the shade.
    • NMM Gold: Kimera Oxide Brown Dark, highlighted with Cold Yellow, further highlight of The White, slight glaze of Warm Yellow
    • Red: The Red, shaded with Carbon Black, highlighted with Cold Yellow, further highlight of The White
    • Bone: Honey Moon Yellow, tinted with The White, shaded with Oxide Brown Dark
    • Sword: Mars Orange and Scale75 Orange mixed together as the base, glazed up with just Orange and then Diarylide Yellow, then Cold Yellow, with edges of Orange + Oxide Brown Dark then just Oxide Brown Dark.
    • NMM Silver: Kimera Carbon Black, Scale75 Cobalt and Kimera The White.

    The backpack has a Praetor topper:

  • Vintage Warhammer 40K Metal Rogue Trader Space Marine in Artificer Armour 4

    This guy was a 1990 sculpt as far as I can tell and was part number 70270/2. He appears in the 1991 catalogues.

    Painted as an Ultramarine!

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha black
    • Blue: Scale75 Artist Cobalt Blue, highlighted with that + Pro Acryl Titanium White, shaded with that + Scale75 Art Prussian Blue, further shading with Art Black
    • Black: Art Black, highlighted with Titanium White + Art Black
    • Copper for Armiger head: Decayed Metal, then Victorian Brass, then Amber Alchemy, then Moonstone Alchemy, then Dirty Down Verdigris
    • Rim: Vallejo Black Grey
    • Base: Martian Ironearth on left, PVA glue and ballast on right. Red Ochre mixed with Art Black for the base colour, then Reddish Brown pigment, then Natural Soil, then Sand, a little bit of Gypsum on the rock, a little bit of Ash on the Armiger face to try and get a bit of separation. Wild Grass tuft for behind.
    • Red: Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red, then Primary Red, shaded with Burnt Sienna Umber, further shaded with Art Black. Very slight highlight of Primary Yellow.
    • Armiger lens: Primary Yellow, shaded with Crimson, shaded with Art Black
    • Lens: Scale75 Art Sap Green, highlighted with that + Primary Yellow, a little bit of a further highlight with Titanium White mixed in. ‘Ardcoat to finish.
  • Metal Rogue Trader Armour Variant Corvus 1

    This guy is one of the Armour Variants range and goes by Corvus 1, part number 070270/6. I can’t find an unambiguous sculpting credit for him, and there was no year on the tab.

    Paints used:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, highlighted with a mix of that and Pro Acryl Titanium White, shaded with Prussian Blue, further shading with Art Black
    • Red: Primary Red, highlighted with Primary Yellow over a little bit of white. Shaded with Burnt Sienna and Art Black
    • Lenses: Titanium White, then Spring Green, shaded with Art Black, highlighted with Primary Yellow then Titanium White
    • Gold: Titanium White, then Intense Yellow, recess wash with Burnt Sienna. Primary Yellow near the highlights. A little bit of Permanent Orange.
    • Silver: Titanium White, Art Black and Cobalt Blue.
    • Base: 28.5mm slotta, PVA on the outskirts with Noch grey ballast on top, Martian Ironearth through the middle. Undercoated with Vallejo Mecha Black, then Scale75 Red Ochre. Pigments of Reddish Brown, then Natural Soil, then Sand and Gypsum on the rock. Tuft is a Wild… something, I forget
  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother A Skull aka Brother Dixon

    This Rogue Trader Space Marine seems to be down as A Skull originally and Brother Dixon later on. In the 1991 catalogue 070121/49. He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt and there was nothing useful on the tab, unfortunately.

  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Jump Pack

    I haven’t found these in a catalogue yet!

  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Stalker

    This Rogue Trader Space Marine went by Brother Stalker and was a Bob Naismith sculpt.

    He has an unusual set of proportions in his beaky helm – making him look more mouse-y than most!

  • Metal Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K Space Marine Lieutenant Commander 070145 11

    Metal Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K Space Marine Lieutenant Commander 070145 11

    This guy was a lieutenant commander and was part number 070145/11. He was one of two Firstborn Lieutenant models I’m aware of – the other is Lieutenant with Power Sword and Bolt Pistol. He’s a Mark Copplestone sculpt.

    Note the marking on his forehead. As per the How to paint Space Marines book:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, shaded with Dark Prussian Blue and Prussian Blue. Highlight with Primary Blue and Titanium White
    • Base: Scale75 Art Burgundy Wine Red, skull Buff, rocks Yellow Ochre, drybrush of Golden Flesh, pigment of Reddish Brown in center, then Natural Soil further out, then Sand, then a light brush of Gypsum on the rocks/skull
    • Parchment: Buff, shaded with Buff + Burnt Sienna Umber, text with the latter. Highlight of Buff, then further highlight of Buff + Pro Acryl Titanium White
    • Power sword: Pro Acryl Titanium White, blended to Primary Yellow, then blended to Intense Yellow, then blended to Permanent Orange, then blended to Orange, then blended to Crimson, then Burnt Sienna Umber, then Art Black
    • Bone: Buff, shaded with Garaghak’s Sewer. Bone end to sword was Scale75 Art Off White, shaded with watered down Burnt Sienna Umber, highlighted with Off White and Titanium White
    • Rim: Vallejo Black Grey Model Colour
    • Yellow: Titanium White then Primary Yellow, shaded with Intense Yellow, further shading with Primary Yellow + Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red
    • Red: Bold Pyrrole Red, shaded with Art Black, highlighted with Primary Yellow, dot of Titanium White
    • Gauntlet: Prussian Blue mixed with Titanium White, Art Black and Titanium White. A little bit of the yellows in the underside reflection.
    • Eye lenses: Spring Green, shaded with Art Black, highlighted with Primary Yellow then Ardcoat.

    I pushed the blue darker to contrast a bit more with the sword and make it stand out. I had to try something different with this power weapon – the three facets on each side meant that the technique I used previously didn’t work out quite how I had hoped.

  • Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Slater

    This is Brother Slater from Rogue Trader! Also known as Bolter and Sensor, part number 070106/6.

    He appears as Brother Slater in the RT3 flyer in April 1988.

    No date on this tab!


    Paints used:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Blue: Scale75 Cobalt Blue, highlighted with Primary Blue and Pro Acryl Titanium White

    Red: Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red, shaded with Targor Rageshade, highlighted with Bold Pyrrole Red + Pro Acryl Golden Yellow

    Silver: Black Metal, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, shaded with Targor Rageshade

    Base: Natural Soil, then Sand, then Gypsum for highlighting the rock

    Green: Sap Green, Spring Green mixed with Titanium White