Tag: Year: Unknown

  • Wounded Space Marine Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Metal

    This guy is different to the Casualty, who was sculpted by Bob Naismith. I can’t find who sculpted this guy – he’s shown in the RT3 flyer with no credit.

    You can see him in WD99:

  • Metal Space Marine Epic Scale Deathwind Cargo Drop Pod

    Vintage Space Marine Epic Scale stuff. This drop pod is shown in the 1991 Blue catalogue page listed as being designed by “The Citadel Design Team and Colin Dixon” – so who it was that had left by then I don’t know and I’m not sure whether they or Colin sculpted this one!

  • Metal Chaos Champion 021903

    This guy is a Jes Goodwin sculpt. Unfortunately this guy is missing his hand – someone had chopped it off and added a bolt pistol, of all things…

    Is that 1988 or 1989 on the tab?

  • Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K Space Marine in Artificer Armour 2

    This guy is one of the Armour Variants range shown in the 1991 catalogue. He’s part number 070270/5.


    Paints used:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, with Permanent Orange mixed in for shading and Kimera’s The White mixed in for highlights.
    • Red: Kimera’s The Red with a mix of Cobalt Blue and Permanent Orange used to shade. Kimera’s Cold Yellow used fora highlight.
    • Black/White/Grey: Scale75 Art Ink Black and White.
    • Silver: Scale75 Black Metal, Heavy Metal and Silver Alchemy, shaded with Basilicanum Grey.
    • Lenses: Scale75 Art Spring Green, Kimera’s Cold Yellow, Kimera’s Carbon Black and Kimera’s The White. The red lens is Kimera’s The Red and Cold Yellow with Carbon Black and The White.
    • Gold: Scale75 Necro Gold, then Dwarven Gold, then Citrine Alchemy, washed with Guilliman Flesh and then a further recess wash of Scale75 Art Chestnut Ink mixed with Carbon Black.
    • Base: Scale75 Soilworks Reddish Brown, then Natural Soil, with Sand for the rocks. Rim is Vallejo Model Colour Black Grey.
  • Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K Space Marine in Artificer Armour 1

    Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K Space Marine in Artificer Armour 1

    This guy was part number 070270/4 in the 1991 catalogue.

    Paints used:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, shaded by mixing in Permanent Orange, highlighted by mixing in Kimera’s The White
    • Red: Kimera’s The Red, shaded with a mix of Cobalt Blue and Permanent Orange
    • Silver: Scale75 Black Metal, then Heavy Metal, then White Alchemy. Shaded with Basilicanum Grey
    • Gold: Necro Gold, washed with Guilliman Flesh, then Dwarven Gold, Peridot Alchemy, Citrine Alchemy and White Alchemy
    • Black: Scale75 Black Ink highlighted by mixing in White Ink.
    • Green: Spring Green, shaded with Carbon Black, highlighted with Kimera’s Cold Yellow and The White.
    • Yellow: Kimera’s Cold Yellow, shaded by mixing in Permanent Orange.
    • Base: PVA glue, sand, a couple of small rocks, Soilworks Reddish Brown, then Natural Soil, with Sand for the rocks. Vallejo Black Grey
  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Communications Officer Orinoco or Kendall

    This Rogue Trader Space Marine went by Orinoco or Kendall. He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt. I can make out “GW” scratched into the tab but nothing useful as far as the date goes.

  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Casualty – Ex Brother Marine

    This guy was Wounded 1 or Ex Brother Marine. He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt.

  • Metal Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Dedmole or Taylor

    This Rogue Trader Space Marine went by Dedmole or Taylor, depending on which flyer/catalogue you look at. He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt and there was no date on this one’s tab, unfortunately.

  • Rogue Trader Space Marine Vincent Blackshadow Sidecar

    This is the sidecar from the days of Rogue Trader. It’s an Perry sculpt according to WD99.

    As seen in WD99:

  • Metal Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Quiff or Lustgarten

    This chap was called Brother Quiff or Brother Lustgarten, depending on which flyer/catalogue you’re looking at. He was Bolter 12, part number 070106/7 in the 1991 catalogue. He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt.