I was expecting this guy to have a backpack bump on his back but he doesn’t; and it doesn’t look like one was cut off either!
He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt from 1987.
I was expecting this guy to have a backpack bump on his back but he doesn’t; and it doesn’t look like one was cut off either!
He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt from 1987.
This guy was a Bob Naismith sculpt and shares his base head sculpt with Brother Dimshade.
This guy was Dimshade and Thaw in the early days and was later shown in the catalogues as Chainsword 1, part number 070119/22. He is a Bob Naismith sculpt, and shares most of his head sculpt with Breakout Con.
This chap went by the moniker Faststar John, and is a variant on the Imperial Heavy Trooper (with a backpack rather than a power pack). Apparently he’s a Bob Naismith sculpt!
He’s also a variant of Space-Dout Sam.
This chap was called Brother Quiff or Brother Lustgarten, depending on which flyer/catalogue you’re looking at. He was Bolter 12, part number 070106/7 in the 1991 catalogue. He’s a Bob Naismith sculpt.
This is the Contemptor Class Close Combat Dreadnought who goes by Chuck in the catalogues! He’s an old Rogue Trader metal mini.
Here he is next to a new Terminator: