Tag: Rogue Trader

  • Games Workshop Rogue Trader Space Marine Chaplain by Mark Copplestone 410604 – 1988

    Games Workshop Rogue Trader Space Marine Chaplain by Mark Copplestone 410604 – 1988

    Here is one of the pre-Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition Space Marine Chaplains I have found. This guy is 410604 and the photos are of as I found him – not yet stripped! Part number 070133/60 later on.

    More photos to come once he’s stripped and then painted.

  • Games Workshop Imperial Assassin with Combi Weapon

    This vintage Imperial Assassin with Combi Weapon from Rogue Trader came into my possession. Part number 072117/28.


    I can’t find who designed it – the 1991 catalogue I can find this mini in just says “Designed by the Citadel Design Team”.




    Looks like GW 1989 on the back to me. I can find it in the 1991 Citadel catalogue under Forces of the Imperium.




    A 360degree video of it:

  • Rogue Trader Brother Angst RT01 Space Marine

    A Bob Naismith sculpt! Part number 070121/46 in the later catalogues.

    Still a little bit of paint to strip on him, and the square base is just whatever I had laying around with which to stand him on.

    Keen to put some paint on him!