Tag: Paint Scheme

  • Paint scheme: Wood… again

    Playing around with a new wood STL!



    Undercoat: Scale75 Surface Primer Sand

    Base Coat: Mournfang Brown

    Boards: Alternately Wyldwood, Snakebite Leather, Guilliman Flesh, drybrush Mournfang Brown, selective wash of Agrax Earthshade

    Pigment: Scale75 Dark Earth

  • How to paint a Crisis Protocol dumpster

    The above Crisis Protocol dumpster was painted such:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base blue: Citadel Thunderhawk Blue (several thin coats required for good coverage)

    Drybrush edges with Citadel Etherium Blue

    Lid: Vallejo Black Grey

    Lid edge drybrush: Citadel Dawnstone Dry

    All metal: Citadel Leadbelcher

    Recess for forklift tines: Citadel Abaddon Black

    Scratches: Citadel Abaddon Black with a line of Citadel Grey Seer beneath

    Grunge: Citadel Typhus Corrosion mixed with Vallejo Model Wash 76.505 Light Rust for the recesses. Straight Typhus in the corners/base. Typhus + water to help make the transitions slightly smoother. Sponged on in the areas that aren’t edges/recesses.

    Gloop: Citadel Nurgle’s Rot

    Rust: Stippled Vallejo Pigment Old Rust with Vallejo Pigment Binder in select sections.

    Logo: Citadel Grey Seer beneath Citadel Trollslayer Orange