Today I’m looking at the well which is part of our January Kickstarter.
Assembled it looks like this – I painted it in pieces, however:
The paint recipe I used was this – all with a brush, no airbrush used this time around:
Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
Well base coat: Zandri Dust
Well recesses: Aggaros Dunes
Well highlights (left and bottom of each brick): Instant Phoenix Egg 50:50 with Instant Medium
Well highlights in lower left corner only: Flayed One Flesh 50:50 with Vallejo Matt Medium
Well highlights on edge of topmost bricks: Flayed One Flesh
Well brick center: Sponged on XV-88
Well upper pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre
Well lower pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre 50:50 with Scale75 Reddish Brown
Water stain across back of well: Vallejo Slimy Grime with Vallejo Petrol Stains in recesses
Wood base coat: Mournfang Brown
Lines in wood: Averland Sunset or Steel Legion Drab
Wash for wood, at random: Gore-Grunta Fur, Guilliman Flesh, Snakebite Leather or Wyldwood
Pigments for wood: Well lower pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre 50:50 with Scale75 Reddish Brown, mostly rubbed off high points
Check out the Kickstarter here:
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