Here is one of the pre-Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition Space Marine Chaplains I have found. This guy is 410604 and the photos are of as I found him – not yet stripped! Part number 070133/60 later on.
More photos to come once he’s stripped and then painted.
The Master of the Watch is, in Codex compliant chapters, the Captain of the 2nd. Company. This particular mini was cast in metal as part of the Masters of the Chapter set. Apparently the actual company which guarded the fortress monastery was rotated out regularly, but the title remained with the 2nd. Company captain.
This guy I am intending on using as a smash captain – he has a jump pack in his future.
The post is more static than most of the modern captains but I think it should work regardless. Stay tuned…
This chap turned up in a bulk buy and it took me a little while to figure out who he was. I don’t think the aesthetic really suits the nostalgia marine force but I’m eyeing off the storm bolter arm for my Librarian…
Apparently he’s the Games Day limited edition model from 2005. He doesn’t seem to have a lot of info about him that I can find lore-wise, other than the fact that he’s called Veteran Sergeant Aurelius.