Category: Uncategorised

  • Metal Space Marine in Mk6 Armour 4 Warhammer 40K

    This guy was Space Marine in Mk6 Armour, part number 070106/43. No tab on this guy unfortunately!

  • Space Marine Scout Box Set 2nd. Ed. Warhammer 40K

    These guys came along relatively late into 2nd. Ed. but here they are!

  • Eldar Vyper new in box 2nd. Edition Warhammer 40K

    Got lucky and found this new in box. Designed by Jes Goodwin.

  • Vintage Metal Space Marine or Epic Miniatures

    Some of these are interesting enough that I have picked them up despite them not being my main gaming scale.

  • Primaris Heavy Intercessor Ultramarine colour scheme

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, shaded with Art Black, highlighted with Cobalt Blue + Pro Acryl Titanium White
    • Red: Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red, highlighted with Golden Yellow + that, shaded with Art Black + that
    • Silver: Black Metal, highlighted with Heavy Metal
    • Lenses: Spring Green, shaded with Art Black, highlighted with Golden Yellow
    • Gold: Necro Gold, shaded with Targor Rageshade, highlighted with Elven Gold and Citrine Alchemy
    • Base rim: Vallejo Black Grey
    • Pigments: Base was painted with Burgundy Wine, then the rocks done in Buff, washed with Targor Rageshade, drybrushed with Buff + Titanium White, pigments of Natural Soil, then Reddish Brown in the recesses, then Sand lightly over the top.
  • 3D Printing Filament Spool Sizes and Weight

    Here’s the spools I have weighed so far. Sizes to be added as I get to them.

    eSun 5KG spool: 786gm

    eSun 3KG spool: 633gm

    eSun 1kg spool: 260gm

    Polymaker 3KG plastic spool: 412gm for a PLA one, 430gm for an ASA spool so far.

    3DFillies 3KG spool: 702gm

    Standard Print Co. 3KG plastic spool: 458gm

  • Ideal resin print angles for the Phrozen Sonic 4K or Sonic Mini 4K

    Assuming an XY resolution of 35µm, I believe these are the angles which will produce a step-free flat surface. This is obviously not possible for every surface of most models but if there’s one you particularly want to be step-free, give this a shot:

    0.01: 15.94539590091

    0.02: 29.74488129691

    0.03: 40.6012946451

    0.04: 48.81407483431

    0.05: 55.0079798014

    (print layer height followed by angle from the build plate)

  • Raven Guard Primaris Eliminator Paint Scheme

    Here’s how I paint the Raven Guard Primaris Eliminators.

    This is one of my early attempts at a Raven Guard paint scheme – I currently use a darker shade of grey but I like this one still.

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Primer, Black 73.642

    Armour base coat: Vallejo Model Color Black Grey 70.862

    Recess shading: Citadel Black Templar Contrast

    Armor drybrushing and edge highlighting: Vallejo Model Color Basalt Grey 70.869

    Leather base: Citadel Rhinox Hide

    Leather highlight: Citadel Gorthor Brown

    Weapon base: Citadel Khorne Red and Citadel Leadbelcher

    Weapon wash: Citadel Carroburg Crimson and Citadel Black Templar Contrast

    Weapon drybrush: Citadel Leadbelcher

    Lenses: Citadel Khorne Red

    Camo Cloak Base: Vallejo Model Color Dark Grey 70.994

    Camo Cloak Splotches: Vallejo Model Color London Grey 70.836

    Camo Cloak Wash: Citadel Nuln Oil

    Base: Vallejo Earth Texture Dark Earth 26.218

    Base basecoat: Vallejo Model Color London Grey 70.836

    Base wash: Citadel Nuln Oil

    Metal part of base: Citadel Leadbelcher

    Base bullet casings: Citadel Runelord Brass, highlights of Citadel Canoptek Alloy

    Base bullet casings wash: Citadel Agrax Earthshade

    Skin layer: Citadel Rakarth Flesh

    Skin wash: Citadel Seraphim Sepia

    Purity Seal Base: Citadel Wraithbone

    Purity Seal Wash: Citadel Agrax Earthshade

    Purity Seal Text: Citadel Rhinox hide mixed to varying extents with Citadel Rakarth Flesh