Category: Terrain

  • Wargaming Scatter Terrain Plasma Generator Paint Scheme PLAS002

    This is the paint scheme I used for one of our STLs!

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base: Turquoise and Turquoise Blue, then sponge on Black Metal, then Thrash Metal. Liberal wash of Nuln

    Plasma: Art Black, then Stuart Semple’s glow in the dark pigment – in this instance pink, believe it or not. Looks pink until it’s charged then it glows green.

    Weathering: Scale75 Floww Turquoise Blue mixed with Titanium White, then a brush was dragged downwards through it with Scale75’s odourless thinners on it.

  • Paint scheme: Wood… again

    Playing around with a new wood STL!



    Undercoat: Scale75 Surface Primer Sand

    Base Coat: Mournfang Brown

    Boards: Alternately Wyldwood, Snakebite Leather, Guilliman Flesh, drybrush Mournfang Brown, selective wash of Agrax Earthshade

    Pigment: Scale75 Dark Earth

  • Stone Town Kickstarter Painting Update #4

    This one was super quick:


    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base Coat: Citadel Morghast Bone

    Pigment: Scale75 Soilworks Dark Earth SPG-10

    That’s it. It’s a very speedy way of getting something tabletop ready in short order.

    The door was painted with the same colours as the gangway. Speaking of the gangway:

  • Stone Town Kickstarter: Painting the gangway

    If you have been following along you’ll know we have an active Kickstarter for some cut stone terrain. The gangway is part of that set and is designed to go between two of the buildings – here’s my take on painting it:

    Paints used:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base coat for stone ends: Morghast Bone

    Base coat for wood: Mournfang Brown

    Lines in wood: Hobgrot hide or Averland Sunset

    Wood contrasts, randomly: Snakebite Leather, Wyldwood, Gore-Grunta Fur, Nazdreg Yellow

    Bolts: Scale75 Heavy Metal

    Bolt corrosion: Vallejo Rust Texture

    Central, worn pigment: Scale75 Dark Earth

    Outer pigments: 50:50 Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre and Scale75 Reddish Brown

  • Stone Town Kickstarter: Painting the well

    Today I’m looking at the well which is part of our January Kickstarter.

    Assembled it looks like this – I painted it in pieces, however:

    The paint recipe I used was this – all with a brush, no airbrush used this time around:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Well base coat: Zandri Dust

    Well recesses: Aggaros Dunes

    Well highlights (left and bottom of each brick): Instant Phoenix Egg 50:50 with Instant Medium

    Well highlights in lower left corner only: Flayed One Flesh 50:50 with Vallejo Matt Medium

    Well highlights on edge of topmost bricks: Flayed One Flesh

    Well brick center: Sponged on XV-88

    Well upper pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre

    Well lower pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre 50:50 with Scale75 Reddish Brown

    Water stain across back of well: Vallejo Slimy Grime with Vallejo Petrol Stains in recesses

    Wood base coat: Mournfang Brown

    Lines in wood: Averland Sunset or Steel Legion Drab

    Wash for wood, at random: Gore-Grunta Fur, Guilliman Flesh, Snakebite Leather or Wyldwood

    Pigments for wood: Well lower pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre 50:50 with Scale75 Reddish Brown, mostly rubbed off high points

    Check out the Kickstarter here:

  • How to paint a Crisis Protocol dumpster

    The above Crisis Protocol dumpster was painted such:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base blue: Citadel Thunderhawk Blue (several thin coats required for good coverage)

    Drybrush edges with Citadel Etherium Blue

    Lid: Vallejo Black Grey

    Lid edge drybrush: Citadel Dawnstone Dry

    All metal: Citadel Leadbelcher

    Recess for forklift tines: Citadel Abaddon Black

    Scratches: Citadel Abaddon Black with a line of Citadel Grey Seer beneath

    Grunge: Citadel Typhus Corrosion mixed with Vallejo Model Wash 76.505 Light Rust for the recesses. Straight Typhus in the corners/base. Typhus + water to help make the transitions slightly smoother. Sponged on in the areas that aren’t edges/recesses.

    Gloop: Citadel Nurgle’s Rot

    Rust: Stippled Vallejo Pigment Old Rust with Vallejo Pigment Binder in select sections.

    Logo: Citadel Grey Seer beneath Citadel Trollslayer Orange

  • Painting a Raven Guard Phobos Lieutenant

    Painting up a sneaky beaky! Trying to mix a road base with the ash-waste style bases of some of the other Phobos RG units I have.

    Marble base piece: Ushabti Bone/Pallid Wych Flesh/Agrax/Terminatus/Longbeard

    Base ash: London Grey/Longbeard Grey

    Armour: Black Grey, edge highlights London Grey, drybrush Dawnstone for the dust, Light Slate Grey pigment for recess dust

    Battle damage armour: Abaddon Black/Stormhost Silver

    Company Colour: 50/50 Naggaroth Night and Warlord Purple

    Eye lenses: Moot Green/Warpstone Green/White Scar

    Vox cable on chest: Black Red/Phalanx Yellow/Evil Sunz Scarlet

    Leather pouches: Doombull Brown/Agrax/Skrag Brown

    Writing on scrolls: Rhinox Hide

    Edge highlight on gun: Grey Knights Steel then smaller Stormhost

    Helmet: Khorne Red for stripe