Captain Webb. Sculpted by either Aly Morrison, Michael Perry or Alan Perry.
Category: Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Trooper Bainbridge Warhammer 40K Metal
Trooper Bainbridge. Sculpted by either Aly Morrison, Michael Perry or Alan Perry.
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Assault Trooper Moss Warhammer 40K Metal
Assault Trooper Moss. Sculpted by Aly Morrison.
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Trooper Langton Warhammer 40K Metal
Trooper Langton. Sculpted by either Aly Morrison, Michael Perry or Alan Perry.
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Trooper Rothery Warhammer 40K Metal
Trooper Rothery. Seen in RT501 with no specific sculpt credit.
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Trooper Emerson Warhammer 40K Metal
Trooper Emerson. Not sure who sculpted him – likely Aly Morrison, Michael Perry or Alan Perry.
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Trooper Rathbone Warhammer 40K Metal
Trooper Rathbone. Shown in the RTO5 section as one sculpted by either Aly Morrison, Alan Perry or Michael Perry.
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Scout Trooper Pank Warhammer 40K Metal
Scout Trooper Pank. An Aly Morrison sculpt.
Also shown in the Autumn 1989 catalogue in the 072019/1 set.
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Trooper Black Warhammer 40K Metal
Trooper Black. An Aly Morrison sculpt.
Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Trooper Lee Warhammer 40K Metal
Imperial Army Trooper Lee. Shown on a page where minis were designed by Aly Morrison, Michael Perry and Alan Perry. No idea which fellow did it.
No tab on this guy unfortunately!