Category: Oldhammer
Metal Space Marine in Mk6 Armour 2 Warhammer 40K
This guy was Space Marine in Mk6 Armour 2, part number 070106/49.
Metal Space Marine in Mk6 Armour 3 Warhammer 40K
This guy was Space Marine in Mk6 Armour 3, part number 070106/42.
Metal Death Guard Nurgle Chaos Space Marine Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader
Jes Goodwin’s 1990 Death Guard/Nurgle Space Marine sculpt. Part number 070378/2.
Metal Space Marine Librarian Codicier 1 Warhammer 40K 2nd. Ed.
This is a 1994 Jes Goodwin sculpt, part number 70083/2.
Rogue Trader Harlequin Trouper 12 Metal Warhammer 40K
A 1988 Jes Goodwin sculpt, one of the blister pack Harlequins. 430605 or 071519/30.
Rogue Trader Harlequin Trouper 5 Metal Warhammer 40K
A 1988 Jes Goodwin sculpt, 430604 or 071519/26. One of the blister pack Harlequins.
Rogue Trader Harlequin Trouper 6 Metal Warhammer 40K
A 1988 Jes Goodwin sculpt. One of the blister pack Harlequins. Part number 430613 or 071519/19.
Rogue Trader Harlequin Avatar 1 Metal Warhammer 40K
A 1988 Jes Goodwin sculpt. Part number 071519/24 or 430609.
Rogue Trader Harlequin Trouper 7 Warhammer 40K Metal
A Jes Goodwin sculpt, part number 071519/16 or 430614. One of the Blister Pack Harlequins.