This is a Nick Bibby sculpt and goes by Slaarsh. He’s a Zoat.
Category: Miniatures
Metal Eldar Ranger Kneeling and Observing Warhammer 40K Eldar Aeldari
Part number 99060104136. The barrel of the gun is here somewhere but it snapped off while it was being posted to me.
Metal Space Marine Veteran Sergeant with Auxiliary Grenade Launcher
A Jes Goodwin sculpt, part number 70081/3.
Imperator Titan Epic Scale Warhammer 40K
This chap needs a bit of a strip, but it’s the original Warhammer 40K Epic Scale Imperator Titan model.
Plastic Imperial Guard Sentinel
One of my early attempts at a vehicle post-rejoining the hobby.
Raven Guard Primaris Lieutenant
One of my early paint jobs after picking up the hobby again!
Raven Guard Redemptor Dreadnought Painted
This is one of my early attempts at OSL.
Space Marine Veteran Sergeant with Bionic Arm Metal Warhammer 40K
A Jes Goodwin sculpt, part number 70081/1.
Space Marine Veteran with Customised Bolt Pistol Metal Warhammer 40K
A Jes Goodwin sculpt. Part number 70081/4. Heck of a mold slip on this guy.
Dark Angels Company Master Metal Warhammer 40K
A 2006 sculpt judging by the base. Part number 99060101327.