
  • Metal Space Marine Jump Pack Sergeant 1 0426 3

    This is the metal Space Marine Assault Marine Jump Pack Sergeant 1 – he came in the box set. He’s a 1993 sculpt by Jes Goodwin.

    Another copy:

    “Space Marine SG” on the tab, and 1993 as the date.

  • Stone Town Kickstarter: Painting the well

    Today I’m looking at the well which is part of our January Kickstarter.

    Assembled it looks like this – I painted it in pieces, however:

    The paint recipe I used was this – all with a brush, no airbrush used this time around:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Well base coat: Zandri Dust

    Well recesses: Aggaros Dunes

    Well highlights (left and bottom of each brick): Instant Phoenix Egg 50:50 with Instant Medium

    Well highlights in lower left corner only: Flayed One Flesh 50:50 with Vallejo Matt Medium

    Well highlights on edge of topmost bricks: Flayed One Flesh

    Well brick center: Sponged on XV-88

    Well upper pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre

    Well lower pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre 50:50 with Scale75 Reddish Brown

    Water stain across back of well: Vallejo Slimy Grime with Vallejo Petrol Stains in recesses

    Wood base coat: Mournfang Brown

    Lines in wood: Averland Sunset or Steel Legion Drab

    Wash for wood, at random: Gore-Grunta Fur, Guilliman Flesh, Snakebite Leather or Wyldwood

    Pigments for wood: Well lower pigment: Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre 50:50 with Scale75 Reddish Brown, mostly rubbed off high points

    Check out the Kickstarter here:

  • Rogue Trader Furibundus Class Destroyer Dreadnought Fury 070184 3

    This guy is nicknamed Fury in the catalogues!

    Fury has the wide-body 070184/9, the right double bolter arm 070184/1, the left lascannon arm 070184/10, standard shoulder mounts 070184/6 and short legs L/R 070184/11 and 070184/12 respectively. More pics to come once he’s assembled and painted!

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha black

    Blue: Scale75 Artist Prussian Blue blended up to Cobalt Blue, blended to Primary Blue with a highlight of Primary Blue

    Red: Scale75 Art White covered in Primary Red, highlighted with Orange, then Primary Yellow, shaded with Primary Red + Art Black

    Silver: Scale75 Black Metal, shaded with Prussian Blue, highlighted with Thrash Metal

    Green: Scale75 Art White followed by Sap Green, then Spring Green, then Lit Green Pigment

    White: Pearl Grey, highlighted with Art White

    Work in progress:

    Started over.

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Cobalt Blue, shaded with Kimera Carbon Black, highlighted with The White
    • Red: The Red
    • Lenses: Scale75 Art Spring Green, highlighted with Kimera Cold Yellow then Art White, shaded with Carbon Black
    • Base: Kimera Iron Oxide drybrushed with a mix of that and Yellow Oxide, then Soilworks Reddish Brown, then Soilworks Natural Soil, with Gypsum for the skull highlights and Ash for the skull shadows. Army Painter Wasteland Tufts used.
  • Finalising our first Kickstarter

    After many hundreds of hours of test printing and playtesting we have finally got to the point of taking proper photos of our first Kickstarter products.

    Not long now! Stay tuned for a link…

  • Metal Space Marine Trooper 2 with Jump Pack 2 0426 1

    This metal Space Marine is one of the Jump Pack Assault Marines (number 2), and is a 1993 Jes Goodwin sculpt. He was part number 0426/1.

    Another copy:

  • Metal Space Marine Mk7 Armour 7 70106/54

    This one is a 1990 sculpt, as opposed to the 1992 sculpts that are usually shown alongside it.

  • Metal Space Marine with Assault Weapon Body 3

    From 1999. Part number 010119204.

    Designed by Jes Goodwin.

  • Metal Space Marine Close Combat Terminator 070204 12

    This guy has different boots, kneecaps and a belt buckle!