
  • Metal Rogue Trader Traitor Chaos Terminator Captain 070243 3

    This guy was unfortunately missing his arms but he’s the Traitor Terminator Captain, part number 070243/3.

  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Brother Leach with Plasma Gun

    This guy was first seen as Brother Leach, and shown in later catalogues as Plasma Gun 2 with part number 070121/50. He has a 1988 mark on his tab.

    Here he is in the April 1988 flyer:

  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Harris aka Bolter 13

    Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Harris aka Bolter 13

    This guy was first seen as Brother Harris, and later as Bolter 13 which was part number 070106/3.

    He’s a 1987 sculpt and was shown on pages with minis sculpted by either Aly Morrison or Mark Copplestone – I’m not sure which of those two sculpted this fellow. The sticking plaster across his nose is a lovely touch.

    He shares most of his sculpt with Marine Medic 01 from 1987.

    You can see him in WD99:

    My paintjob:

    This is a vintage Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine by the name of Brother Harris.

    Paints used:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, highlighted by mixing in Kimera’s The White or Scale75 Art White Ink, shaded by mixing in Kimera’s Orange
    • Black: Kimera’s Carbon Black, highlighted by mixing in Kimera’s The White
    • Base: Alizarin Crimson, drybrushed with Yellow Ochre, washed with Cygor Brown, the tube washed with Mortarion Grime, pigments of Soilworks Natural Soil and Moss Green. Rim is Vallejo Model Color Black Grey
    • Red: Kimera’s The Red, shaded by mixing in Kimera’s Phthalo Green, highlighted by mixing in Kimera’s Cold Yellow
    • Skin: Kimera’s The White washed with Contrast: Guilliman Flesh, then some additional work done with Ochre Brown Light, Ochre Brown Medium, Pale Skin SART-51 and Pink Flesh SART-07.
    • Silver: Scale75 Black Metal, washed with Basilicanum Grey, highlighted with Thrash Metal, then Heavy Metal, then Speed Metal
  • Metal Warhammer 40K Space Marine Standard Bearer

    This guy was a 1994 sculpt and was part number 70086/1.

  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Sergeant Burgess aka Bionic Eye and Bolt Pistol

    This guy was shown as Sergeant Burgess early on and later Bionic Eye and Bolt Pistol, part number 70119/25. A 1988 sculpt.

    Potentially named after Burgess Meredith – though that would give him two Marines named after him!

  • Metal Space Marine Jump Pack Sergeant 2

    This metal Space Marine is a 1994 Jes Goodwin sculpt and is down as Jump Pack Sergeant 2, part number 70100/1.

  • Warhammer 30K and 40K Plastic Spartan tank kit – painted Ultramarines colours

    Found a Rhino crewmember for the hatch!

    Work in progress:

    Colours used on the tank:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Cobalt, blended up to Primary Blue, shaded with Inktense Blue. Edge highlight of Primary Blue mixed with Art White. Recess shade of Prussian Blue.
    • Silver: Black Metal, shaded with Nuln oil. Highlight of Heavy Metal, followed by Speed Metal.
    • Lenses: Primary Red
    • Lamp: Golden Flesh followed by Primary Yellow
    • Copper: Scale75 Decayed Metal, followed by Old Copper, followed by Victorian Brass, highlighted with Amber Alchemy, then Moonstone Alchemy, then Speed Metal. Corrosion via Moss Green Soilworks pigment and Nihilakh Oxide. Recess shading with Art Black. Burnt tops via Soilworks Ash.
    • Crew: Gun is Pink Flesh, followed by Primary Red. Flesh is Pink Flesh, followed by Golden Flesh, with some Light Skin and Burnt Skin blended in. Hair is Raw Umber highlighted with Buff.
    • Guns: Metal Color Burnt Iron brushed on, drybrush of Thrash Metal, drybrush of White Alchemy, wash of 1:2 Agrax/Nuln.
    • Sponsons: Cabling Decayed Metal, drybrush of Old Copper, drybrush of Moonstone Alchemy, wash of Agrax Gloss. Lenses Red Ecstasy SFX-07.


    • Rocks: Noch Profi Rocks rubble coarse 6-16mm N09232
    • Rocks: Noch Boulders, N09214
    • Rocks: Woodland Scenics Coarse Ballast
    • Vallejo Earth Texture: Desert Sand
    • Citadel Technical: Agrellan Earth and Agrellan Badland for the riverbed section
    • Undercoated Vallejo Mecha Black
    • All-over coat of Tuskgor Fur
    • Pigment: Reddish Brown for the center, Natural Soil over most of the rest. Dark Earth for riverbed.
    • Rim: Vallejo Black Grey
    • Word Bearer: Word Bearers Red and Leadbelcher. Highlight of Heavy Metal and Speed Metal, red highlighted with a mixture of Red Ochre and Pink Flesh.
    • Rocks: Celestra Grey, washed with Agrax, drybrushed with Celestra Grey, then a little bit of Natural Soil

    The blue was airbrushed onto the tank and the area around the white was masked off and the white sections airbrushed in after.

  • Citadel or Games Workshop Goblin Green modern paint colour alternatives

    I managed to find an old pot of Goblin Green which is full and still liquid – time to try colour matching some modern colours to it to see what makes for a good alternative.

    Experiments to come!

  • Warhammer 30K and 40K Space Marines Kratos tank paint scheme for Ultramarines

    That title was a mouthful. I magnetised this one as seen here.

    Test scheme WIP:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Blue: Cobalt Blue blended up to Primary Blue by hand, highlights Primary Blue then a mix of Primary Blue and Art White

    Pigments: Dark Mud mixed with Rough, then Dark Mud, with Mars in the recesses, then Natural Soil on top

    White: Artic Blue then Art White

    I think the pigments ended up reading more red than I expected; going to back that off a bit to try and make it look more like dust accumulation than rust.

  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Stalker

    This Rogue Trader Space Marine went by Brother Stalker and was a Bob Naismith sculpt.

    He has an unusual set of proportions in his beaky helm – making him look more mouse-y than most!