
  • Metal Rogue Trader Space Marine Death Eagle with Plasma Gun

    This guy is one of three Death Eagles shown, and he’s part number 410613 or later Plasma Gun 1, 070145/18. He’s a Mark Copplestone sculpt.

  • Metal Space Marine Rogue Trader Gunner 2

    This guy is Gunner 2 and shows up in the catalogues as 072129/23.

  • Metal Rogue Trader Armour Variant Corvus 1

    This guy is one of the Armour Variants range and goes by Corvus 1, part number 070270/6. I can’t find an unambiguous sculpting credit for him, and there was no year on the tab.

    Paints used:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, highlighted with a mix of that and Pro Acryl Titanium White, shaded with Prussian Blue, further shading with Art Black
    • Red: Primary Red, highlighted with Primary Yellow over a little bit of white. Shaded with Burnt Sienna and Art Black
    • Lenses: Titanium White, then Spring Green, shaded with Art Black, highlighted with Primary Yellow then Titanium White
    • Gold: Titanium White, then Intense Yellow, recess wash with Burnt Sienna. Primary Yellow near the highlights. A little bit of Permanent Orange.
    • Silver: Titanium White, Art Black and Cobalt Blue.
    • Base: 28.5mm slotta, PVA on the outskirts with Noch grey ballast on top, Martian Ironearth through the middle. Undercoated with Vallejo Mecha Black, then Scale75 Red Ochre. Pigments of Reddish Brown, then Natural Soil, then Sand and Gypsum on the rock. Tuft is a Wild… something, I forget
  • Metal Space Marine Rogue Trader Gunner 6

    This fellow appears in the 1991 catalogue as Gunner 6, part number 072129/22.

  • Metal Rogue Trader Space Marine Medic 05 with Hand Flamer

    This chap shows up in the 1991 catalogue as part number 070133/67. 1988 on the tab.

  • Vintage Metal Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Holt – Warhammer 40K

    Vintage Metal Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Holt – Warhammer 40K

    This chap was known as Brother Holt in Rogue Trader originally, and is shown in the 1991 catalogue as Flamer, part number 070119/24. 1988 on the tab.

    Unfortunately he has a bit of damage on his face – I think I’ll make that another piece of metal holding him together.


    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, highlighted with a mix of that and Kimera’s The White.
    • Black: Kimera Carbon Black
    • Skin: Scale75 Pale Skin, highlighted with a mix of that and Art White, shaded with a mix of that and Burnt Sienna Umber. Scars in SART-24 Purple. Wash of diluted Guilliman Flesh and a little bit of Fyreslayer Flesh.
    • Silver: Black Metal/Thrash Metal/Speed Metal/White Alchemy and Emerald Alchemy
    • Yellow: Kimera’s Cold Yellow and Orange, highlighted with a mix of Cold Yellow and The White. Blackening with Scale75 Soilworks Ash.

  • Metal Marneus Calgar – 4th Edition Warhammer 40K

    This is the third iteration of Marneus Calgar, part number 9947010129901.

    His metal sculpted base:

  • Vintage 1995 Warhammer 40K Space Marine Predator with Plasma Sponsons

    This is a tank from back in my childhood where I really wanted plasma sponsons… so here it is returned to me many years later.

    Paints used:


    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Silver: Vallejo Metal Color Steel
    • Black: Scale75 Art Black, highlighted with a mix of Art Black and Pro Acryl Titanium White
    • Plasma Glow: Scale75 Inktense Lime and Inktense White, surrounding glow done with a mix of Spring Green and Titanium White
  • Legion of the Damned Space Marine with Flamer

    Legion of the Damned Space Marine with Flamer

    I bought this chap new in the 90s (part number 010109604) and found him again in 2022 after not seeing him for close to 20 years. Here’s how he was when I found him again:

    1998 on the tab. Not much of the original paintjob survived. Perhaps I forgot to prime…

    Colours used:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Black: Scale75 Artist Green Grey, highlighted with a blend of Green Grey and Spring Green

    Armour Glow: Pro Acryl Titanium White then Spring Green. Revisited with Scale75 Inktense White and Inktense Lime. Blended with a mix of Spring Green and Green Grey.

    Bone: Pro Acryl Ivory, washed with Targor Rageshade. Highlighted with Ivory mixed with Titanium White

    Metal: Thrash Metal

    Base: Agrellan Earth over ‘Ardcoat. Then Soilworks Mars, then Reddish Brown, then Sand. Rim of Vallejo German C. Black Brown.

    Metal: Metal Color Burnt Iron, Steel, Copper, Semi-Matte Aluminium and Jet Exhaust blended together. Slight highlight with Peridot Alchemy.

  • Metal Vintage Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Space Marine Gunner 4

    This chap went by Gunner 4 with power glove, part number 072129/25.