
  • Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Chaos Renegade with Heavy Weapon – Nurgle with Horns

    This guy was 022317 in the early catalogues and 070327/6 in the later catalogues. He’s a Michael Perry sculpt.

  • Metal Space Marine in Mk3 Armour 2

    Metal Space Marine in Mk3 Armour 2

    This guy is one of the Armour Variants and is a Jes Goodwin sculpt. He was part number 070106/44. I presume that’s 1991 on the tab and not 1990 with the zero mostly obliterated!

  • Metal Necromunda Orlock Leader with Meltagun and Laspistol

    Metal Necromunda Orlock Leader with Meltagun and Laspistol

    This guy is a Michael Perry sculpt and was part number 72904/23.

    He’s shown in White Dwarf 191:

  • Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Female Warrior Gabs

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Female Warrior Gabs

    This lass went by Female Warrior Gabs and has 1987 on the tab. She’s part of the RT601 Adventurers range.

    I can’t tell who sculpted what in the RT601 range – the list of people who sculpted things on that page is Trish and Aly Morrison, Bob Naismith, Mark Copplestone and Jes Goodwin.

    She can be seen in White Dwarf #99:


    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, highlighted by mixing in Kimera’s The White, shaded by mixing in Scale75 Art Permanent Orange
    • Red: Kimera’s The Red, shaded by mixing in Kimera’s Phthalo Green.
    • Silver: Scale75 Black Metal, then Basilicanum Grey contrast, then Black Metal for highlights, then Thrash Metal, then Speed Metal.
    • Gold on the ram’s head: Necro Gold, then Guilliman Flesh, then Dwarven Gold, then Citrine Alchmy
    • Black: Scale75 Art Ink Black, highlights done by mixing in white ink
    • Sword: Kimera’s The White, then Cold Yellow, then Warm Yellow, then Oxide Brown Medium, then Oxide Brown Dark, then Carbon Black
    • Base: Soilworks Reddish Brown, then Natural Soil, then Sand for the rocks.
    • Backpack is a Clavus Ultra pattern piece.
  • Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K Space Marine in Artificer Armour 2

    This guy is one of the Armour Variants range shown in the 1991 catalogue. He’s part number 070270/5.


    Paints used:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, with Permanent Orange mixed in for shading and Kimera’s The White mixed in for highlights.
    • Red: Kimera’s The Red with a mix of Cobalt Blue and Permanent Orange used to shade. Kimera’s Cold Yellow used fora highlight.
    • Black/White/Grey: Scale75 Art Ink Black and White.
    • Silver: Scale75 Black Metal, Heavy Metal and Silver Alchemy, shaded with Basilicanum Grey.
    • Lenses: Scale75 Art Spring Green, Kimera’s Cold Yellow, Kimera’s Carbon Black and Kimera’s The White. The red lens is Kimera’s The Red and Cold Yellow with Carbon Black and The White.
    • Gold: Scale75 Necro Gold, then Dwarven Gold, then Citrine Alchemy, washed with Guilliman Flesh and then a further recess wash of Scale75 Art Chestnut Ink mixed with Carbon Black.
    • Base: Scale75 Soilworks Reddish Brown, then Natural Soil, with Sand for the rocks. Rim is Vallejo Model Colour Black Grey.
  • Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K Space Marine in Artificer Armour 1

    Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K Space Marine in Artificer Armour 1

    This guy was part number 070270/4 in the 1991 catalogue.

    Paints used:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Blue: Scale75 Art Cobalt Blue, shaded by mixing in Permanent Orange, highlighted by mixing in Kimera’s The White
    • Red: Kimera’s The Red, shaded with a mix of Cobalt Blue and Permanent Orange
    • Silver: Scale75 Black Metal, then Heavy Metal, then White Alchemy. Shaded with Basilicanum Grey
    • Gold: Necro Gold, washed with Guilliman Flesh, then Dwarven Gold, Peridot Alchemy, Citrine Alchemy and White Alchemy
    • Black: Scale75 Black Ink highlighted by mixing in White Ink.
    • Green: Spring Green, shaded with Carbon Black, highlighted with Kimera’s Cold Yellow and The White.
    • Yellow: Kimera’s Cold Yellow, shaded by mixing in Permanent Orange.
    • Base: PVA glue, sand, a couple of small rocks, Soilworks Reddish Brown, then Natural Soil, with Sand for the rocks. Vallejo Black Grey
  • 1988 Chaos Champion Corvus Bloodreaper with Scythe by Jes Goodwin

    1988 Chaos Champion Corvus Bloodreaper with Scythe by Jes Goodwin

    This guy went by 0218-02 in the 1988 catalogues, and was shown as a Champion of Slaanesh in the 073142/6 blister in the 1990 Winter trade catalogue.

    In the Combat Card range he’s shown as Corvus Bloodreaper, Wizard of Chaos.

    You can see in him the 4th Edition Warhammer Armies Chaos (1994) book:

    …and in the catalogue pages of the same book:

    He’s shown in White Dwarf #104:

    Painted in Feb/March 2024:

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Green: Kimera Phthalo Green, shaded with a mix of that and The Red. Highlight of Phthalo Green with some The White added.
    • Skin/Leather: Scale75 Art Pink Skin, then a highlight of Scale75 Art Off White, then Citadel Contrast Guilliman Flesh, then a little bit of Contrast Sigvald Burgundy. Then Berserker Bloodshade.
    • Bone: Scale75 Art Off White, stripes with The White and Burnt Sienna Umber, wash of Wyldwood
    • Wood: Scale75 Art Burnt Sienna Umber, then stripes of Off White and White, then a wash of Wyldwood
    • Silver: Black Metal, washed with Targor Rageshade. Highlight of Heavy Metal.
    • Rust: Kimera Oxide Brown Medium and Kimera Orange, heavily diluted with water.
    • Base: PVA glue + sand, a couple of small rocks, base coat of Scale75 Art Burgundy Wine Red, pigments of Soilworks Mars mixed with Dark Mud, then Sand on the rocks. Rim is Vallejo Black Grey.
  • Dark Watcher by Reaper Miniatures – Paint Scheme

    Dark Watcher by Reaper Miniatures – Paint Scheme

    Loosely inspired by the Spectator from Baldur’s Gate 2.

    • Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
    • Red: Kimera The Red, shaded with Slaughter Red, dot highlights of Scale75 white ink, then Kimera Cold Yellow, then the lot washed with Magmadroth Flame with the occasional bit of Berserker Bloodshade mixed in. Tongue was drybrushed with The White and washed with Baal Red contrast with a shade of Sigvald Burgundy. Shade of Targor Rageshade in the non-circular skin bumps.
    • Green: Kimera Phthalo Green, then drybrushed with The White mixed with that, then a wash of Shamrock Green from Army Painter followed by a wash of Orc Skin in the recesses.
    • Bone: The White fofllowed by Bony Matter. Teeth then had Mortarion Grime all over them with a little bit of Targor Rageshade for between the teeth.
    • Base: Moss Green Soilworks then Mars followed by Gypsum on the rocks, with a little bit of Ash mixed in in patches.