Author: The Angry Griffin

  • Space Marine Tyrannic War Veteran with knife 99060101353

    This guy came in a two-miniature blister pack.

  • Stone Town Kickstarter Painting Update #4

    This one was super quick:


    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base Coat: Citadel Morghast Bone

    Pigment: Scale75 Soilworks Dark Earth SPG-10

    That’s it. It’s a very speedy way of getting something tabletop ready in short order.

    The door was painted with the same colours as the gangway. Speaking of the gangway:

  • Vintage Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Longun or Anderton with Heavy Bolter

    Vintage Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Longun or Anderton with Heavy Bolter

    The heavy bolters were a little bit smaller way back when…

    Later shown as Space Marine armed with Heavy Bolter, part number 070121/48.

    Painted but not based:

    I tried my version of speed painting on this guy… which means about 2 days worth of painting effort.

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base Coat: Scale75 Artist Cobalt blue, building to a blend of Cobalt and Primary Blue. Shade of Scale75 Instant Fairy Blood and Scale75 Shadow Black

    Edge highlights: Scale75 Primary Blue

    Recesses: Scale75 Instant Fairy Blood, darker areas Instant Shadow Black

    Silver: Scale75 Heavy Metal building to Speed Metal on the edges, shade a glaze of Scale75 Artist Black

    Red: Scale75 Artist Crimson building to Primary Red, shade of Scale75 Fairy Blood and Scale75 Shadow Black

    Green: Scale75 Artist White followed by Scale75 Fluoro Green, shade of Scale75 Instant Basilisk Green

    Decals from the Forge World Ultramarines sheet

  • Stone Town Kickstarter: Painting the ruined level and accessories

    Managed to get a couple of things painted today from the stone town Kickstarter – the undamaged flooring, the ruined level, the table and the wardrobe. It proved a lot easier to show what the accessories looked like on the damaged level than the solid one, so let’s just pretend someone put them there after the building was damaged!

    Colours used:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base coat: Citadel Morghast Bone

    Recess pigment: Soilworks Dark Earth

    Other pigments: 50:50 Soilworks Dark Earth and Vallejo Yellow Ochre

    Wood base: Mournfang Brown

    Lines in wood: Death Guard Green, XV-88 or Averland Sunset

    Wood contrast: Nazdreg Yellow, Guilliman Flesh, Wyldwood or Aggaros Dunes

    Metal handle on wardrobe: Leadbelcher

    You can find more out about the Kickstarter here.

  • Metal Space Marine Devastator Sergeant 0813

    This chap came in the Devastator box back in 1993. In the 1998 catalogue he’s shown as Sergeant 2, part number 010100901 and in the 2005 he’s Sergeant 2 but part number 99060101279.

    Update: Found him in the 1995 catalogue as Space Marine Sergeant 2, part number 0813/1.

    Colours used:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Blue base: Scale75 Artist Cobalt Blue SART-27

    Blue highlight: Scale75 Artist Primary Blue SART-03

    Blue shade: 50:50 Scale75 Instant Paralyze Blue SIN-18 and Instant Fairy Blood SIN-12

    Red base: Scale75 Artist Crimson

    Red highlight: Scale75 Artist Primary Red SART-05

    Red further highlight: Scale75 Artist Orange SART-22

    Red shade: Scale75 Instant Health Red SIN-03

    Purity seal bone colours: Scale75 Off White SART-47

    Lenses: Scale75 White Ink followed by Scale75 Fluoro Green

    And done but for the base:

  • Metal Space Marine Devastator 0813 2

    This guy lacks the purity seal on the belt.

  • Metal Space Marine Commander 010110301 or 9947010110301

    This guy was the Commander/Captain model from the Command Group box.

  • Metal Space Marine Apothecary from Games Day and the Command Group box

    This guy was part number 010110304 and was apparently seen as a Games Day miniature in 1998.

  • Stone Town Kickstarter: Painting the gangway

    If you have been following along you’ll know we have an active Kickstarter for some cut stone terrain. The gangway is part of that set and is designed to go between two of the buildings – here’s my take on painting it:

    Paints used:

    Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

    Base coat for stone ends: Morghast Bone

    Base coat for wood: Mournfang Brown

    Lines in wood: Hobgrot hide or Averland Sunset

    Wood contrasts, randomly: Snakebite Leather, Wyldwood, Gore-Grunta Fur, Nazdreg Yellow

    Bolts: Scale75 Heavy Metal

    Bolt corrosion: Vallejo Rust Texture

    Central, worn pigment: Scale75 Dark Earth

    Outer pigments: 50:50 Vallejo Dark Yellow Ochre and Scale75 Reddish Brown