Designed by Jes Goodwin. This one was Traitor 2, 070204/8.
This copy seems to have had one knee shaved down:
Designed by Jes Goodwin. This one was Traitor 2, 070204/8.
This copy seems to have had one knee shaved down:
This guy went by part number 070295/2. He’s missing his knife.
This guy was Space Marine in Mk6 Armour 2, part number 070106/49.
This guy was Space Marine in Mk6 Armour 3, part number 070106/42.
This guy was Space Marine in Mk6 Armour, part number 070106/43. No tab on this guy unfortunately!
As seen at the 1999 Games Day. His gun hand has been temporarily attached for the photo.
Jes Goodwin’s 1990 Death Guard/Nurgle Space Marine sculpt. Part number 070378/2.
This is a 1994 Jes Goodwin sculpt, part number 70083/2.
This guy isn’t chapter-specific as far as I’m aware but is usually painted as a Black Templar. I can’t make out what it says on the tab.