This is the chap without the bayonet! Part number 070145/5.
Author: Jim
RT9 Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Squat Capt. Khyrk
This guy was credited to Michael and Alan Perry.
RT9 Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Squat Heavy Weapons Loader Powl
This guy was credited to Michael and Alan Perry.
RT9 Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Squat Heavy Weapons Gunner Keif
This guy is credited to Michael and Alan Perry. He was shown with a grenade launcher in the flyer.
Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Chaos Renegade Heavy Weapon – Grenade Launcher
Part number 022312 in the early flyers and 070327/18 in the later catalogues. A Michael Perry sculpt.
Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Chaos Renegade with Heavy Weapon – Nurgle with Horns
This guy was 022317 in the early catalogues and 070327/6 in the later catalogues. He’s a Michael Perry sculpt.
Metal Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Heavy Weapon – Grenade Launcher
Took a long time to find this one!
Metal Space Marine in Mk3 Armour 2
This guy is one of the Armour Variants and is a Jes Goodwin sculpt. He was part number 070106/44. I presume that’s 1991 on the tab and not 1990 with the zero mostly obliterated!
First Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Releases – Imperial Bodyguard
This guy appears in the March 1987 catalogue.
Metal Necromunda Orlock Leader with Meltagun and Laspistol
This guy is a Michael Perry sculpt and was part number 72904/23.