These are on a Mars 2 Pro printer with a screen protector in place. These figures are for the Anycubic Eco Pink resin.
Chitubox settings:
Bottom Layer Count: 7
Bottom Exposure Time: 32s
Wait Mode During Printing: Resting
Rest Time Before Lift: 0
Rest Time After Lift: 0
Rest Time After Retract: 0.5s
Bottom Lift Distance 7mm
Lifting Distance 6mm
Bottom Retract Distance and Retract Distance seem to be auto calculated.
Bottom Lift Speed 40mm/min
Lifting Speed: 40mm/min
Bottom Retract Speed 200mm/min
Retract Speed 200mm/min
Lychee settings:
Burn In Layers: 7
Exposure Time: 32sec
Transition Layers: 3
Light Off Delay: 7s
Lift Distance: 7mm
Lift Speed: 40mm/min
Regular layers:
Light Off Delay: 7sec
Lift Distance: 6mm
Lift Speed: 40mm/min
Retract Speed: 200mm/min
Exposure Values:
0.01mm layers: 2.1sec
0.02mm layers: 2.2sec
0.03mm layers: 2.3sec
0.05mm layers: 2.5sec
Trying 0.01mm at 2.2 sec made the supports very difficult to get off.
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