Here’s how I paint the Raven Guard Primaris Eliminators.
This is one of my early attempts at a Raven Guard paint scheme – I currently use a darker shade of grey but I like this one still.
Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Primer, Black 73.642
Armour base coat: Vallejo Model Color Black Grey 70.862
Recess shading: Citadel Black Templar Contrast
Armor drybrushing and edge highlighting: Vallejo Model Color Basalt Grey 70.869
Leather base: Citadel Rhinox Hide
Leather highlight: Citadel Gorthor Brown
Weapon base: Citadel Khorne Red and Citadel Leadbelcher
Weapon wash: Citadel Carroburg Crimson and Citadel Black Templar Contrast
Weapon drybrush: Citadel Leadbelcher
Lenses: Citadel Khorne Red
Camo Cloak Base: Vallejo Model Color Dark Grey 70.994
Camo Cloak Splotches: Vallejo Model Color London Grey 70.836
Camo Cloak Wash: Citadel Nuln Oil
Base: Vallejo Earth Texture Dark Earth 26.218
Base basecoat: Vallejo Model Color London Grey 70.836
Base wash: Citadel Nuln Oil
Metal part of base: Citadel Leadbelcher
Base bullet casings: Citadel Runelord Brass, highlights of Citadel Canoptek Alloy
Base bullet casings wash: Citadel Agrax Earthshade
Skin layer: Citadel Rakarth Flesh
Skin wash: Citadel Seraphim Sepia
Purity Seal Base: Citadel Wraithbone
Purity Seal Wash: Citadel Agrax Earthshade
Purity Seal Text: Citadel Rhinox hide mixed to varying extents with Citadel Rakarth Flesh
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